Conscious Connection

Small Group Program

Expect to Connect

Embark on a journey to unlock the power of your subconscious mind with Ryan! With expert guidance, you'll bridge the gap between your thoughts, emotions, and energetic system, unlocking a whole new level of self-awareness and personal growth.

Do you….

Feel lost, like you're wandering through a fog without a clear path or sense of purpose. It's as if you're trapped in a never-ending loop of disappointment and setbacks, struggling to find success in anything you do. Those nagging thoughts that tell you you're missing out on life, that everyone else is having a blast while you're left behind. Watching the connections you once held dear crumble before your eyes, leaving you feeling utterly alone and adrift. Constantly measuring yourself against others, convinced that what you yearn for is out of reach and destined for someone else. The hunger for change burns within you, yet you're held back by the uncertainty of where to start or how to make it real. And, it feels like you’re drowning in the overwhelming waves of stress and irritation, ensnared by the endless scroll of social media's hollow promises. Deep down, the belief that you're forever chained to a cycle of unfulfilling work and ceaseless anxiety seems to take root, a heavy weight on your heart.

You’re in the right place if you are…..

  • Struggling with a lack of direction and purpose in life

  • Feeling like you're stuck in a rut and failing at everything

  • Holding yourself back with negative thought patterns, like FOMO

  • Witnessing relationships falling apart and feeling isolated

  • Comparing yourself to others and feeling like you can't have what you want

  • Desiring change but feeling unsure how to make it happen

  • Experiencing stress and frustration, and getting trapped in social media

  • Believing that you'll always be stuck in a cycle of work and worry

What if you could….

  • Transform uncertainty into unshakable assurance

  • Ignite a burst of vitality in your daily routine

  • Articulate your emotions effortlessly and connect with others at a deeper level

  • Strengthen bonds with the people you love and experience closer connections

  • Cultivate deeper intimacy and enhance your personal relationships

  • Discover a meaning-filled life and pursue your passions with purpose.

The Breakthough…..

It's time to take control of your life and break free from these limiting beliefs and patterns. I'll guide you towards a life of purpose, clarity, and self-awareness. With my guidance and a supportive community, you'll learn to make confident decisions, recognize and celebrate your progress, and prioritize your well-being and self-care. Say goodbye to stress, frustration, and burnout, and hello to a life of peace, fulfillment, and personal growth.

What people are saying…

“Becoming conscious of this belief was just the beginning of the session. However, through the use of writing, breathing, sound, energy work, and deeply feeling into the body, Ryan facilitated a space where I was actually able to let go of the belief. By the end, this belief was literally no longer in the body, no longer manipulating experience. I left with personal affirmations, insights, and perspective that have changed how I view myself and the tools needed for deep integration.” - Ethan

I honor and celebrate myself everyday and it allows me to have grace and compassion, honoring and celebrating others around me.

I sat with Ryan for several sessions and he walked me through his process of feeling what was still there. I got to see and experience myself differently and it helped me restructure my identity today to one that’s much more empowered and centered as the old me.

Thank you for your facilitation and guidance Ryan!

— Lauren P.

“During my first session with Ryan, he was able to unlock so much in no time! He was ale to easily create the ambiance and room for me to dig deep introspectively! I can’t stress how much y’all need to see him for his guidance! He works hard to find connections that we often times don’t see. What’s more important is that he creates a safe space for us to truly confront emotions and thoughts that we may keep tucked away and forgotten. And for all the meta-folks out there, his energy is OBE inducing and the ease of slipping into the astral is just a session away!” - Chris N.

“I was lucky enough to be paired with Ryan at a retreat where he helped me work through my emotional traumas. It's like he could read right into my soul. He knew what was going on inside me before I even knew. He's highly intuitive and created a space of absolute safety where I could let the deepest and darkest parts of myself be seen.

Ryan helped me realize I tend to play out an enduring pattern and avoid addressing issues. Now I'm more conscious about addressing issues much sooner than I did previously.

Anyone who has the opportunity to work with Ryan will experience a significant shift of awareness about themselves and will have parts of their life changed for the better, no doubt about it!”

— Shayla W.

“Ryan has a unique ability facilitating this exploration of the subconscious mind. Though this work was incredibly subtle and required a very high level of presence, patience, willingness to feel, and open mindedness, Ryan’s natural energy made all of this seamless and almost effortless. I would highly recommend this to anyone who is on the path; you will come out with a deeper wisdom and compassion for not only the self but the world. Thank you, Ryan.” -Anonymous

I've noticed I have a heightened awareness of when my breathing changes, where I'm experiencing resistance.

Ryan is experienced and educated in his field. His skillset is impeccable and versatile, which helps in addressing individuals even within a group. I've enjoyed the breathwork and feel empowered after each session.

I would highly suggest Ryan's courses to anyone ready for introspective work.

— Tranyce P.

Create a New World View…..

Feel happier and restored everyday. Learn a new language of communication, and create deeper connections to self and others. Change your perspective, take more action sooner, and let go of the past. See yourself more connected to your Higher Self. Heal generational trauma!

Course Overview

Phase 1

  • Gain awareness about the parts of your identity that run the show and how to step back into the drivers seat of your daily life

  • Learn about the inner child, inner critic, ego, heart, and shadow parts and get familiar with how they show up in your life through your thoughts, feelings, and actions. Learn to use the journal as a sound board to identify who's talking. Learn how to prime safety in the body, creating safety in the nervous system.

Phase 2

  • Mother Learning, Emotional Resilience Coaching & Affirmations

  • Go through the practice of releasing limiting beliefs that show up from how we learned to be from our childhood, environment, and life experiences that prevent us from stepping into the version of us that lives the life we want. Expand the nervous systems capacity to experience turbulence and change. Control your response to your environment, people, and thoughts

Phase 4

  • Easily communicate your needs, and understand the relationship father plays in how you learned to create boundaries.

  • Learn about how mother and father were role model for how you interact with the world. Learn how to always honor yourself by identifying and communicating your boundaries to others. Change the way you communicate your needs to others in a way that gets them to respond without shutting down. When you enter a conversation and someone is triggered, that is not the time to have the conversation.

Phase 3

  • Use the power of breath, connect with the energy of your emotions to release energetic resistance that's driving unconscious behavior and create new conscious behavior practices

  • Notice where beliefs are energetically held in the body. Consciously align your day through uniquely designed routines made. Put your affirmations to work in your daily life to create more evidence that what you want is on it's way to you.

Phase 5

  • Mental Rehearsal & Vision Casting

  • I help you navigate the lowest hanging fruit and take actions in the uncomfortable areas for your life. Align your thinking into being, doing, having. Feel that what you want is possible and acting as if what you want is happening or creating daily. See and commit to the outcome before there is evidence for you 5 senses. Collapse timelines to your manifestation through conscious reminders and deeper aligned action that further creates new levels of comfort in your nervous system.

The Magic

After practicing with in this container, you will feel open, confident, and have a new excitement about life. You will learn what it means to fully accept and love yourself as you are. You can now create your world from an entirely new perspective.

What to Expect